Quality control, authentication, habitat, grade and shelf life of green tea are not only due to their significant economic aspect but also with respect to natural stimulants and quality of life of high relevance.
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The quality control of rice as the most widely consumed staple food providing a
fifth of the world’s calories on a daily basis has an outstanding importance regarding human health and nourishment.
Tobacco and cigarettes belong to the world's most important luxury foodstuffs/stimulants with a global turnover in the high hundreds of billions USD. A sophisticated quality control regarding several aspects is a MUST.
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High quality native olive oils is a pure and healthy natural product that stands out due to a complex and rich flavour. There is a mayor interest of all parties involved throughout the entire supply chain assure a best quality and pay an adequate price for it.
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Milk and diary products belong to world's most nutritious and commonly
consumed foodstuff. Their variety in composition, ingredients and taste
seems endless. Product same as flavour quality control are crucial
criteria concerning customer satisfaction.
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Understand how a change in formulation of food or beverage
affects the product's flavour.
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The quantification of diacetyl and pentanedione (vicinal di-ketones) to determine the end of the brewing process is the key criteria in the global beer industry.
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Crisps and frying oils - when exposed to light and/or temperature- oxidize with time, producing a wide series of aldehydes, ketones and acids so that they
loose their flavour or become rancid.
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